Speed Online to Rural Schools in Cambodia, By 01515
I was extremely
interested in an article titled “Bring Rural Schools Up to Speed Online” in LIFT
Newspaper. Regarding to this article in Cambodia there are millions of students
who go to schools with no internet access at all even though it is in 21st
century that is one of the most powerful tools that person can have for
learning. According to the data from the Ministry of post and Telecommunication
received earlier this month, the kingdom had 291,589 internet subscribers out
of 14.8 million people total, showing that Cambodia is the one of the lowest in
the world, and well behind the average in Asia 21.5 percent, and the word
average 28.7 percent (Cheng...). In my though, I strongly believe that the
expanding of internet to rural area might be good for rural students and
residents to have an internet connection. This is because internet access can
bring educational material from around the world directly to students is places
that are otherwise isolated. through this electronic process. What more, it
makes all of them easier to get information related to their assignments and to
get what they need through this electronic process. On the other hand, there
are many things both positive and negative in the internet that can affects to
the rural students as well if allowing them to use internet independently.
Lyta and Dara Saoyuth. “Bring Rural Schools Up to Speed Online” LIFT.
Phnom Penh. P.8-9.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this article. I agree that the internet can really make a huge difference in education, both positive and negative. Do you think we should focus on basics first, like books and uniforms, or should we focus on bringing internet to the rural areas?