Saturday, July 7, 2012

All over the world, there are many different kinds of religion. People are warship in different God. In this picture, it shows the strange things that happen in India. We know that India society warship in many different things such as warship God Shiva, Bramar, and so forth, base on their region. This picture shows in one place in India that they warship frog. They believe that frog has them to have enough rain for their farming, so the use to marry the frog. Belief is one part of society that involves in people daily life.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How to Prepare Your Life to Reach a Successful Goal

When someone wants to reach their goal successfully, they cannot only just walk on their way

without knowing the steps or methods. A person who gets a successful goal mostly prepare their life

by having their real method, so let me sharing everyone about my own experience about the way to

reach a successful goal. There are three ways to prepare your life to reach a successful goal.

First of all, a person must know what is in their mine of what they want to do. It's setting up a goal

which is a very important step before they can know what they should know next. They should know

what they like to do  or their favorite, especially their dream in the future.

Second, someone should find the way or methods to help them reaching their goal by finding their

real inspiration. They have to know who they want to be. When they know who they want to be

 they will to follow that person's step. Moreover, they need to know clearly about their own

problem that can be a struggle for their life to reach their goal. For example, some people can't go to

study in a high quality  school because of their financial problem, so they should find the way

to get out the problem or how to help them out from their situation. Furthermore, they should find an

adviser to help them to get more idea of how to reach their real goal.

The third thing is asking someone or adviser for evaluation, because they can find what

they are lack of in the way that they are walking on. It is the last step before you can reach your goal

because what you are trying to do something doesn't mean that it will always reach a success, because

sometimes you are lack of something that you can't know by yourself, except someone who has more

experience or walk on their way before you can understand and know you did it in the right. The way

to asking someone for evaluation is not an embarrassing but it's a good way to help improving

yourself much more better.

In conclusion, those three following steps that I describe above  are very helpful for me to reach my

own successful goal, so hope it will be helpful for  everyone as well.

 Sok Mengsan

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Capital Punishment - 01425

          In my personal opinion, capital punishment should not allow to use in the society because it is such a cruel action for everyone. People should have a chance after they did something wrong and then they will try to responsibility for all their actions. Nobody is perfect even the president or the king. So why don`t we give those people a choice? As human being, we all can make any mistakes but just big or small only. Sometimes, they do in unintentionally because they want to protect themselves. For example, when there is someone get into your bedroom in order to steal something and want to kill you because you see that person and you try to call the police and scream for help. Of course, you will try to hit or fright with that person back to protect yourself. How can you do in that situation? If you do not do any things, the thief will kill you immediately. Also, another point is how do their family members feel after their relative died even him or her try to correct their mistakes and show their commitment? Their family will suffer and they will not trust the law anymore. They think that the laws are not fear for them because they lose their relative because of the law. That is why some communities stay in disorder. In addition, Even the government sets this law but crimes are still in a high rate. These are reasons why I do not support the death penalty and capital punishment. Finally, I hope that in some countries will replace the death penalty and capital punishment and try to set another rules for instead.

Traffic Accident in Cambodia

Traffic Accident in Cambodia

There are several main factors that cause traffic accidents in Cambodia nowadays. Many reliable and recent sources are the same way proposed the four leading causes of traffic accident including (1) Human Errors, (2) Road Environment, (3) Vehicle Defects,(4) and Weather Conditions. It is found that the human errors contribute almost every cause of the total road crashes. It is usually related to speed, drunk driving, dangerous overtaking, not respect right of way, change direction without due care, driving against flow of traffic, driving without helmet, and others. There is a problem with the road environment which is responsible for 2% of the causes such as dirt, sand, and gravel, animal on the road, and dust and objects on the road. Another cause is vehicle defects that either come from using vehicle improperly or the vehicles its own. This may include break failure, tire blow out, steering wheel failure, load off failure, and headlight failure. The last cause is about the weather conditions which contribute the least rate of the rest causalities. In weather conditions, the riders may have accidents when it is raining and wet road.

·        The first serious factor which causes traffic accidents in Cambodia is high speed and careless driving. This kind of accident usually happens when the drivers speed up their vehicle or do something else such as talk on phone, sleepy, or think about other things during their drive. According to the Department of the National Police, 287 cases of traffic accidents were caused by high speed and careless driving, which is about one third of all traffic accidents in Cambodia last year.

·         Drunk driving is the second major factor that causes traffic accidents. The drivers who get drunk cannot concentrate on their driving which can lead them to get an accident easily. This kind of accident can cause the driver a very serious injury, especially when the drivers don’t strengthen their seat belts or wearing their helmets.

·         The third factor that causes accidents is that the drivers don’t obey the traffic laws and respect the priority right of the others. Some drivers still continue to drive even the traffic light turn red, some stop their vehicles at the places that the laws don’t allow them to stop; the others even drive their vehicles through the wrong direction, etc. Last but not least, vehicles themselves are also one major factor that causes traffic accidents. Most of the vehicles in Cambodia, especially cars, are the second hand vehicles that were imported from the others countries. Some of them didn’t pass through the standard checking process, but the drivers still can drive them on the road in Cambodia. In conclusion, the traffic accidents in Cambodia recently are caused by high speed and careless driving, drunk driving, drivers does not obey the traffic laws, and vehicles’ problems.

·         Solutions to the traffic accident in Cambodia must be mainly focused on the human problem. It is recommended that the driving speed must be limited, the law must be reinforced, and awareness of the causes and helmet wearing must be promoted. Also, checkpoints must be set for the drunk driving especially during the weekend. Besides, other causes can be solved by improving the road safety management such as widen the road size, put the traffic lights and signs, and so on. When we can implement these solutions effectively, the number of road coalition deaths will decrease.

 Sok mengsan

Monday, July 2, 2012

Traffic Accident

Presently, many people in Cambodia used bicycles, motorbikes, and cars for their transportation. They can go to the working place, market, school and other place easily and fast. Some people have the driving license and some people not. This is the problem that the government must be concern and think about this. There are many traffic accidents a day for around country. The traffic accident can be many case such as; no driving license, drunk, no education, using drug, etc. No driving license is like the people don’t know about the traffic law, just drive by themselves because getting the license is so expensive. As I know, the price around 100$ up. One more thing is drunk. Most people use beer and wine for the party and in the TV also advertisement the kind of beer and wine. The people like to drink the beer which is popular such as Angkor beer, Heniken, Tiger, etc. When they go to the party or restaurant many participants drink beer. After that, they must drunk and drive back home. So the traffic accident will happen in that time. No one can see what happen to you in the future. Only one second your life is changed. So you must pretend your life by doing something very carefully and learning more about the traffic law for the person who don’t have the knowledge about this.
Posted by: 00513

Clean Corruption Together with Government

Say No To Corruption



Corruption hurts everyone. It deepens poverty. It distorts social and economic development. When corruption has been happening in the countries, it will be very hard to change or stop it or correct it to be right. The countries and their people will face problems as following with corruption.
            For the people who live in those countries will lose the power even they are the countries’ owners. And they will be powered by corruptive people. People will lose money that they have earned very hard every day because of they need to pay for their work to get work done faster or easier. However, corruption has changed the ways people live. For example: when people want to get work done faster or easier, they need to give some money as to express respectful to the workers. And the amount of money is to depend on how big of work is too. If people do not give money to that, the work will work slower and take time longer. And also it does not respect too to the workers. Moreover, the countries will lose a lot of incomes because the receivers and the givers have agreed together on their plans. For example. 100% of incomes which countries must have, but it will lose some percentages.
            All in all, we, people must join with the government to stop corruption together. If not you, whom? If not now, when? We must say no to corruption together.

           ID#: 01956

Palm Tree

Palm tree which has the common name in Khmer word is Thnoat. We can take many advantages from this kind of tree. 
Palm trees is approximately 10-25m height; its trunk is rough and dark in color with diameter around 20-60cm. Midrib of palm tree is thick and smooth; has yellow-green color when it is young; yellow-brown color when it is older; and has thorns along both edges in the form of chainsaw teeth. There is also a different between Male and Female flower. Male flower of sugar palm has long and rounding form with size of 2-4 cm and length of 30-50 cm, whereas female flower has a form of rounding fruit with the length of 50-70 cm which yield fruits from 20 to 50. Sugar palm fruit is round and dark-brown color on the bottom part and green color on the top; and changes the color to dark-yellow when it ripens.
Since the ancient time up to the present, Cambodian people have taken the advantages from palm trees in different ways. According to the document, male flowers of palm tree have been used for traditional medicine to cur malaria, sexual diseases, anesthesia of hand and leg. We also take this tree to build the house, shelter for animals, boats, or some other construction materials. The leaves can be used to build the roof and wall of the houses, braiding mats, hats, boxes or trunks; furthermore, people in the past using its leaves for inscribing or writing the Sanskrit for monks to practice. Palm tree fruit and juice has delicious taste and it is popular within Khmer society. The production of sugar from palm tree juice is a tradition of Khmer People since ancient time until present.

 By BA01472